InspireYouVideo: No time for God?
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
“Every mother is like Moses. She does not enter the promised land. She prepares a world she will not see.” Blessed Paul VI
At times I wish my mom could have seen the incredible conversions, little miracles and countless acts of God’s loving providence that have occurred over the years in my priesthood. And yet, I know so well, that I would have never made it to my ordination, nor would I be half the man I am today, without the incredible example of her selflessness and deep Faith. Thank you, mom!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Wonderful waves surging!
Surfing or submerging?
Getting smashed by the curl?
Or cruising on the swirl?
Prayer lifts you on God’s board,
So, why get flipped and floored?
Christ should not be ignored,
But, lovingly adored!!
I hope this strikes a chord!!
“Never reach out your hand unless you’re willing to extend an arm.” Blessed Paul VI
Sometimes, when you agree to help someone, it may become more of a burden than what you expected….try to embrace these little extra sufferings with a smile and use it to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
“Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp’s nest.” Blessed Paul VI
During my caddying days, a bunch of us decided to smash a wasp hive on a tree in the first fairway with a golf club. The “chosen” caddy was so lucky to dive into our get-away car just seconds before several hundred angry wasps collided into the car door and window. Never poke an angry set of bees or a difficult person…the best response is always kindness and compassion.
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Taking God out of the mix has it’s harsh consequences, especially for our youth. This recent article from National Review caught my eye, and made me even more determined to strive to bring to Jesus back into our American family life.
“Our teenagers and often those still younger are taking their lives in increasing numbers, many seemingly without warning. Many more young people are suffering from depression, anxiety, or related mental-health problems. The reports often link to social media: bullying leading to suicide; serious self-harm in an attempt to deal with emotional pain; suicide pacts; a widely cited post giving reasons for suicide by a child who killed herself; drug abuse and other destructive behaviors; school shootings that often end in suicide. Other evidence of youthful mental-health problems: Pre-adult suicides are up three to five times (depending on the source) since the 1950s and still increasing. One study reported that 10 percent of the young are taking anti-depressants. In “Teen Depression and Anxiety: Why the Kids Are Not Alright,” Susanna Schrobsdorff of Time magazine noted that “adolescents today have a reputation for being fragile, less resilient, and more overwhelmed than their parents growing up.” We are also seeing an increase in mental-health issues in college-age students.
While the secular class and those victimized by their policies have been shedding their religious beliefs, evidence for the positive effects of religious life have been repeatedly reported by many studies over the past decades. Many of them show that strongly religious people are happier, healthier, and live longer than those with no religious belief and practice. Having faith in God and attributing a religious meaning to life anchors people, directs their efforts to things beyond the material world, protects them against setbacks, and provides supportive community.” (Paul Vitz & Bruce Buff, National Review, July 27, 2017)
My personal go-to place during my years at Brother Rice High School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan was the small chapel near the front office. I knew I could count on Jesus, to listen and patch up whatever girlfriend, academic or personal issue that was on my heart. He was always there and I felt he truly cared about ME.
I recently received a phone call from a 23 year old young man in Washington, D.C. who attended our Leadership Training Program in grade school. He said, “Fr. Michael, it has been awhile, but I simply needed to call you. I just graduated from a prestigious college in 3 and a half years, I am working at a major consulting firm with a high paying job, and I am surrounded by a ton of people who would call me their friend. But I’ve come to realize that none of these “friends” really care much about me. Some are using me, others enjoy my personality or perhaps we share interests, but I don’t feel any of them are really concerned about me as a person. You taught me that Jesus was our best friend in LTP, and I actually started to develop that relationship as a kid, and as a result, I found peace and happiness. Life got busy during High School and college, and I have really slipped away from Jesus and the Church. Now I am calling you to get some help in getting him back.”
There is a “God hole” in every adolescent that only He can fill. Drugs, sex, social media…try to stuff their way into this hole but they do not fit. Parents, please give this all important gift of a genuine Faith to your kids!!