What is “Faith?” What does it mean?
It seems hidden, like sunscreen,
Working hard behind the scenes,
Injected in your routine,
Through challenges unforeseen…
When life is a trampoline,
With mostly “red lights”, not green
Faith takes over like a Queen.
We need God! We’re not machines!
Make “Christ-stops”…not just caffeine!
Donkeys are loyal, persistent and tough,
They travel tricky trails that can be rough.
In spite of heavy loads, they don’t complain,
Forging on, without counting costs or gains.
Christians, too, must carry their daily cross,
Jesus rides us as a friend, not a boss.
He’s the protagonist, trust him to steer,
With him on the saddle, no need to fear.
Buffeting the Waves
Our inner thoughts swirl around,
At times, they growl like a hound,
Running ragged…without bounds,
Causing chaos…without sound.
A mental gate checks your thoughts,
Don’t be deceived, bribed or bought.
Inspiration must be sought,
This daily fight must be fought!
God’s grace lifts fog from the eyes,
Showing the enemies lies,
Exposing unhealthy ties…
The cause of our daily sighs.
Foster virtue, kick out sin,
Let Christ’s light shine, and you’ll win!!
Inner Peace
The search for peace is everywhere,
But few walk the walk…strong souls are rare.
A rose without thorns you will not find,
Deep peace flows from a heart that is kind.
There is no short cut, or a “quick fix”,
Selflessness, prayer must be in the mix.
The daily grind lived with constant love,
Moves God’s heart to send his peaceful dove.
The peace of Christ is always a gift,
Jesus always give his friends a lift.
He takes note of all our hidden deeds,
He tries hard to meet our deepest need.
God first, put God first above all things!
Only then you’ll hear the angels sing!
As Catholics
Sunday Mass and Catholic schools,
Living Lent with all of the rules,
Confession…a hidden jewel,
The rosary…a helpful tool.
Scapulars and saintly medals,
Grottoes, covered in rose petals…
Is this enough, are we settled?
Allow God to test your mettle!
With this goal, God’s graces are poured:
Christians should love better, love more,
Our spiritual guts should be sore,
Deep virtue must govern the core,
We must shine, brighter than before,
THEN…converts will enter the door!!
For The Suffering
When painful pounding beats you down,
When dark despair tempts you to frown.
Look to the cross and see Our King,
A wooden throne, no robe or ring…
Silently suffering…for you!
Sacrificial giving…true blue!
So firm and faithful to the end,
Nothing could make him break or bend.
Contemplate this scene, take it in!
Fight the same good fight, race to win!
Lean into Christ’s heart, conquer sin!
Success in Marriage
Holy amnesia is the key
For matrimony to succeed.
For all the snores, complaints and moans,
Excessive focus on the phone,
Harsh words coupled with hurtful tones,
Spending? Far too many bank loans!
Tooth paste tubes curled the wrong way,
Not listening to what “I say”,
Preparing the coffee “your way”,
Trifles, troubles, trials each day.
Focus on the positive! Please!
The virtues are what you should see!
Holy amnesia? Certainly!!
But, LOVE unconditionally!
The Little Flower
A rose unpetaled..
Showering gifts from heaven..
Thank you St. Therese!!
Christ the Kind
He shaped us all from clay.
Hidden in Church, he stays,
Protecting us from fray,
Holding passions at bay,
His grace is free…no pay.
He’s truth, he’s life, the way,
Not fifty shades of grey!
For us, on Christmas day,
In a stable he lay,
On piled straws of hay…
To Christ the King we pray!
Grow your Kingdom today!!
In life’s dark tunnels, where struggles abound,
When sensitives souls are kicked around,
When a “sincere” friend cannot be found,
When anxieties make sore brains pound,
When bean balls connect from pitcher’s mound,…
Listen to gratitude’s voice resound!!
The gift of life, with sight, smell and taste,
The Infused virtues: love, hope, and faith,
A merciful God…who doesn’t lambaste,
Confession…through which sins are erased,
Mary…pray to her, look at her face!
Christ…who deeply yearns for your embrace!!!