Is it really that big of a deal?
Taking out garbage without a peal,
Preparing a top class home-cooked meal,
Fighting feelings to stay even-keel,
Not treating others like a fifth wheel,
Patching up wounds and trying to heal,
Kindness, good manners…being genteel,
These acts soften your heart to congeal,
Of course you must often pray and kneel,
Begging for grace with heart felt appeal,
This is love and the Christian Ideal!
God is love, love is real!
Love is not platonic, it’s something real:
It’s “heart to heart”…not a cold “business” deal.
It doesn’t “shock” like an electric eel,
Nor will it attack an achilles’ heel,
It humbly serves, in spite of how you feel,
It strives to patch up wounds and gently heal.
True “selflessness” is love, not an ordeal,
It doesn’t count the cost or try to repeal,
It takes the time to cook a home made meal,
Chicken cacciatore, a cut of veal…
The point of departure is when you kneel,
Here you can listen to Jesus’ appeal,
“Let me work through you, let my love reveal…
How much I care for souls, MY love is real!!”
These little sheep look up to you
Moms and dads are given a flock,
Looks and genes stem from the same stock,
Kids will read your thoughts…so sublime!
Habits are absorbed over time,
They observe you around the clock.
It’s not enough to just “provide,”
Discipline, love…must be applied,
The Sacraments and daily prayers
Will show Christ as their friend, who cares,
His life will serve as their sure guide.
These little sheep look up to you,
In a few years, they’ll say adieu,
They’ll walk the path which you have lead…
Prepare them for battles ahead!
Be authentic, PLEASE be true blue!
God blesses folks who put others first,
Who notice when people hurt and thirst,
They don’t expect to be reimbursed.
Actions done with love, and not coerced.
The middle seat in a crowded car,
“Giving” your partner a putt for par,
Saying “hi”, and smiling au revoir,
Sharing some of your granola bar…
Pointing the conversation their way,
Doggedly searching for sheep that stray,
Preparing some exquisite soufflé,
The best act of love is, of course, to pray.
“The pursuit of happiness”…but why?
This seems to be culture’s battle cry…
See the world’s suffering through Christ’s eyes,
Christ’s is begging for help, please reply,
Sally forth, take action, don’t stand by!
Then God will send you peace from on high!
Heart-felt communication
Alarm ringing in the morning,
Sounding the early warning,
Head still spinning from dreaming,
Tired bones, silently screaming.
Christ is patiently hoping
In spite of all the groaning,
To see open hearts…serving ,
Self-giving…not observing!
Please, start your day by praying,
Hear what Jesus is saying!
“So many souls are hurting…
It is so disconcerting,
This alarm is my calling,
Please help me…without stalling!”
Start your day with a prayer
Alarm ringing in the morning,
Sounding the early warning,
Head still spinning from dreaming,
Tired bones, silently screaming.
Christ is patiently hoping
In spite of all the groaning,
To see open hearts…serving ,
Self-giving…not observing!
Please, start your day by praying,
Hear what Jesus is saying!
“So many souls are hurting…
It is so disconcerting,
This alarm is my calling,
Please help me…without stalling!”
Hidden pains of the heart
Hidden pains of the heart, are buried deep within.
Some are self-inflicted, the ravages of sin.
Stress can stretch the soul, like thick rubber bands pulled tight,
Many swim in darkness, an abyss without light.
Death’s dagger strikes at random, leaving friends behind,
We don’t know when or how…our time has been assigned.
Jesus perceives this all…he knows each aching sore,
Christ walked in our shoes…and with prayer he won this war.
Lean hard into God, when life’s waves kick up a storm,
For by this patient purging, we can be transformed!
True peace and joy are God’s gifts, coming from above,
He showers grace on hearts, who suffer with great love!
Do not allow for any postponement,
Half way measures, simply will not suffice.
Living fully in the present moment,
Filling it to the brim with love for Christ!
Sacrificial, random acts of kindness,
Quickly responding to the other’s need…
Making up for those who live in blindness,
Who look the other way, due to fatigue.
True prayer propels patient perseverance,
Deep concern to console the Sacred Heart.
For “selflessness” is Christian coherence,
The sacred stuff that sets the Saints apart!
Oh when the Saints…
So many different Saints above,
Nuns, priests, lawyers…even .Gov!
Fighting sin without boxing gloves,
All linked together by Christ’s love.
They simply loved a little more,
Self-Sacrifice…no keeping score.
They fostered a strong esprit de corps,
Selflessness…was their inner core.
The path to sanctity is clear:
Daily prayer, one must persevere!
Souls that glow, like a chandelier,
From deep virtue, that is sincere,
Hearts that listen, with Jesus’s ear,
Unbreakable faith, without fear,
Their holy presence, brings Christ’s cheer!
Making time for God
Too busy? Maxed out? No time for God?
Having your nails or hair done by Claude?
Listening to songs on your iPod?
Drinking beer, while casting your fly rod?
Escaping for a break at Cape Cod?
Checking Sports Center to be oohed/awed?
Hitting the golf range, ripping up sod?
Not trying to be nosy or prod…
Can’t you make a FEW MINUTES for God??