Family life can be messy
“[Reality] is not neat, not obvious, not what you expect.” CS Lewis
Family life can be messy and things do not always go your way…learn how to embrace the unexpected unpleasantries with great love!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Pathway to peace
“God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.” CS Lewis
I strongly encourage all of you to exercise daily and eat healthy food, but our physical health cannot be an end in itself…and without a regular prayer life and a deep connection to Christ as your best friend, you simply will not experience inner peace.
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Never be afraid of God!
An Mother’s Day ode to my mom
I felt the band between our hearts,
Was shattered and broken apart.
So painful…watching you depart!
Christ would not allow this to pass,
Making bands of rubber, not glass,
United!…despite the crevasse.
You won the race and fought the good fight,
So many poems…what MORE can I write????
When Jesus asked you, “Show me your heart?”
“It’s bound to a priest…that’s a good start!
I helped you make him, God’s work of art!”
Revolution of the heart
“The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us?” – Dorothy Day
I recently had breakfast with one of the business leaders in our Lumen Institute group here in NYC, and he mentioned that he was starting to buy McDonald’s gift certificates to hand them out to the homeless along with a prayer card. He ends this heart-felt encounter by asking their name and telling them that he will pray for them today. Simple stuff, but so powerful!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Choosing friends wisely
Love does not calculate
“When one loves, one does not calculate.” St. Therese of Lisieux
Every morning, every day…Fr. Steven Reilly, LC prepares a large pot of oatmeal and 10 hard boiled eggs for our community of priests. He also does the grocery shopping and so many favors behind the scenes…so, yes, he deserves a big “shout-out”!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC