“The sun looks down on nothing half so good as a household laughing together over a meal.” – C. S. Lewis
We need to get back the tradition of family meals…laughter, heart felt sharing, bonding…and this give the parents an opportunity to take the pulse of each child and their spouse!
Taking the hill, one day at a time?
Working, playing hard…life’s paradigm?
But WHY is THIS our internal rhyme?
Ask the “WHY” before you start to climb!
Life has meaning…simple yet sublime,
Ponder it now, while still in your prime!
God carefully, purposely shaped our souls, our hearts and minds,
Give God glory, do His will, reflect His love…all the time!!
“He who does not acquire the love of God will scarcely persevere in the grace of God, for it is very difficult to renounce sin merely through fear of chastisement.” –St. Alphonsus Liguori
Go to Confession, not merely to unload the weight of your sins or simply out of fear of going to hell…go because you want to re-establish your friendship with Christ and get back on the road of trying to please him and glorify him in all things!