Living in the “now”
“The Past is frozen and no longer flows, and the Present is all lit up with eternal rays.” CS Lewis
Right here, right now…this is what matters to God and what should matter to you.

Interrupting conversations
“The devil never sleeps, neither is the flesh yet dead: therefore thou must not cease to prepare thyself for battle, for on the right and on the left are enemies that never rest?” (Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, II, 9 ,8) How do we win this battle? 1. Sacrament of the Eucharist: “In the Eucharist, Christ makes us Christ.” (St. Augustine). Christ already won! We need his presence deeply within our soul through daily Mass and our hearts yearn to be inflamed and strengthened by his heart in adoration. “There is nothing more consoling on earth, nothing more efficacious for advancing along the road to holiness.” (Blessed Pope Paul VI, Mystery of Faith, p. 26) He reminds us that the best defense is a strong offense. The Eucharist will inspire you to get out of your bunker and to get into the field of battle, focusing on loving and serving those around you! We are not here to simply avoid sin, we are here to be ambassadors of Christ’s love and this is what most irritates and defeats the devil. 2. Sacrament of Confession: Here the battle wounds are completely healed and you leave both renewed and determined to take up the fight again for Christ. This Sacramental grace not only patches the wound but it also has “a remedial power and helps remove the very roots of sin.” (St. John Paul II, Reconciliation and Penance). The weakness of your character, (which the devil knows so well), is strengthened and becomes less of a hindrance in the daily battle. Like a boxer going to the corner for a refresher after a tough round, regular confession of venial sins is essential if you want to survive and win the long boxing match of life. 3. Living in the Presence of Christ: “If a soldier fighting under the eyes of his commander is inspired to multiply his feats of valor, should we not be ready to undergo the most strenuous labors, to make the greatest efforts when conscious that not only do the eyes of God watch us in our struggle, but that his victorious arm ever sustains us.” (A. Tanquerey, The Spiritual Life, n. 447). He is always so close, so real, and so interested in helping us…we are never alone in this battle! Take time to pause and look into his loving eyes, and cry out to him for help especially when the bombs and attacks are more intense. He is a faithful friend and he will not let you down. 4. Secret Weapon: the Blessed Virgin Mary: “If she holds you by the hand, how can you fall! Under her protection, you shall know no fear; under her guidance you shall not falter, under her patronage you shall surely reach the goal.” (St. Bernard). I am always consoled by the image of the snake’s head being completely crushed under the feet of the Blessed Mother. She will always protect you, and remember that Christ simply cannot say no to his mom! Pray the rosary, and make frequent and filial and heart-felt visits to the Blessed Mother! 5. Spiritual Direction: “And I would like to say that this invitation continues to be valid for all — priests, consecrated persons and laypeople — and especially for young people — to take recourse to the counsels of a good spiritual father, capable of accompanying each one in profound knowledge of oneself, and leading one to union with the Lord, so that one’s life is increasingly conformed to the Gospel. We always need a guide, dialogue, to go to the Lord. We cannot do it with our reflections alone.” (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, General Audience, Rome, September 16, 2009) God bless, Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Lent Begins!
Lethal weapon
“What we need most in order to make progress is to be silent before this great God with our appetite and with our tongue, for the language he best hears is silent love.” St. John of the Cross

Emotional outbursts
The treasure within…
All of us have wonders hidden in our breasts, only needing circumstances to evoke them. (Charles Dickens)
Sometimes we are afraid to share the treasure within, becoming a little vulnerable and taking the risk of showing our inner core…yet that is what most touches the hearts and minds of people, and what is so needed in our human interaction today!
Sometimes we are afraid to share the treasure within, becoming a little vulnerable and taking the risk of showing our inner core…yet that is what most touches the hearts and minds of people, and what is so needed in our human interaction today!