“Remember that not a single word is lost during prayer, if you say it from your heart; God hears each word, and weighs it in a balance. Sometimes it seems to us that our words only strike the air in vain, and sound as the voice of one crying in the wilderness. No, no; it is not so!…The Lord responds to every desire of the heart, expressed in words or unexpressed.”–Saint John of Kronstadt
Getting along with adult siblings
Joy in suffering
“It is in suffering that we are withdrawn from the bright superficial film of existence, from the sway of time and mere things, and find ourselves in the presence of a profounder truth.” Fr. Yves Congar
I encourage all of you to buy this booklet and do the 9 day novena…I found it extremely helpful!
Details of kindness
Make time for daily prayer so God’s comfort can touch you and through you, touch many others!
Finding life balance
Training wheels
“Lay all your cares about the future trustingly in God’s hands, and let yourself be guided by the Lord just like a little child.”
–Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
When God takes off the training wheels, never doubt that he knows we are ready and he runs behinds us just to make sure!
–Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
When God takes off the training wheels, never doubt that he knows we are ready and he runs behinds us just to make sure!
Who are you bringing with you?
Trust in God!
No matter how dark the tunnel or how heavy the cross, God’s grace will always be enough if you are consistently and trustingly leaning into him.