Being content…
“If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.” Leo Tolstoy

Caring for the homeless
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”
—Harper Lee Several years ago, I had a conversation with a homeless man in NYC. He started by asking me a few questions: “Reverend, have you ever been out in the street for 3 weeks in the winter when the temperature gets in the teens? Have you ever gone 3 weeks without showering? Have you ever had on 4 pairs of socks, but your feet are still frozen? Have you ever had anyone offer you a cold bottle of water at 1 am in the morning on a freezing night and tell you to “stay warm”? That is hard for me, but the hardest thing is that I am no longer treated like a human being. Just a few years ago, I was working finance in this town, and now I feel like a piece of garbage on the street that most people want to avoid…

I am who I am through the grace of God!
“Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.” Anne Frank

“That’ll be the day…”
“I’m honest and tell people right to their faces what I think, even when it’s not very flattering. I want to be honest; I think it gets you further and also makes you feel better about yourself.” Anne Frank

You might be the only “Jesus” people see
“The most deadly poison of our time is indifference.” St. Maximilian Kolbe
So many empty pews at Mass, so few Confessional lines, such little Marian devotion…we need holy and committed lay people today more than ever! We need selfless and fervent Catholics, who glow with the light of Christ and the peace of Christ!! Priests and Bishops certainly need to step up our game…but we ALL need to help rebuild our Catholic Church!