Waiting and hoping
“He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. Live, then, and be happy, beloved children of my heart, and never forget, that until the day God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words, ‘Wait and Hope.'”
—Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
A “virgin” birth that Our Blessed Mother had to explain to Joseph, a difficult donkey ride from Nazareth to Bethlehem only to discover there was no room at the Inn, settling for a cave with a few animals and patiently waiting for the birth of Jesus…so much hidden pain, yet so much intense joy! Advent is all about waiting and hoping…

Waiting and hoping
In all circumstances, give thanks to God!
Acceptance of God’s plan
“In all things let us not forget to repeat with the Lord Jesus: “Not my will but Thine be done.” St. Maximilian Kolbe
Are you “all in, all the time, for Jesus?” Only then will you discover the deep peace and fulfillment that comes from fully surrendering yourself to God’s loving plan.”

Christ is the King of the world
“But if the faithful were generally to understand that it behooves them ever to fight courageously under the banner of Christ their King, then, fired with apostolic zeal, they would strive to win over to their Lord those hearts that are bitter, estranged from Him and would valiantly defend His rights.” Pius XI

Christ the King
Dig deep for Jesus!
“Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.” St. Mother Teresa
Sometimes, we need to dig a little deeper in our love for Christ…look Jesus in the eyes and know that when love “hurts” you bring great consolation to his Sacred Heart and you grow in holiness!

Persevering in Kindness
St. Mother Teresa
“Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Speak in a low, persuasive tone. Listen; be teachable. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them…For as long as you are green, you can grow. St. Mother Teresa