Preparing for our death
“The reality of death has come upon us and a consciousness of the power of God has broken our complacency like a bullet in the side. A sense of the dramatic, of the tragic, of the infinite, has descended upon us, filling us with grief, but even above grief, wonder. Our plans were so beautifully laid out, ready to be carried to action, but with magnificent certainty God laid them aside and said, ‘You have forgotten — Mine?’” Flannery O’Connor. I personally benefit from taking a meditative walk around cemeteries…we all need to be ready for the day when God decides to call us!
Death and judgement
To thyself be true!
“To thine own self be true.” — William Shakespeare

Docility to your conscience and the Holy Spirit
Life’s challenges
“Challenges make life interesting, however overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” —Mark Twain

Overcoming life’s challenges
Live in the now!
“Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” —Henry David Thoreau