“If we plant a flower or a shrub and water it daily it will grow so tall that in time we shall need a spade and a hoe to uproot it. It is just so, I think, when we commit a fault, however small, each day, and do not cure ourselves of it.” St. Teresa of Avila
Regular confession uproots the shrubs of our soul before they get out of control…
Shrubs of sin
Acts of kindness
“Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.” St. Teresa of Avila
Small acts of love
“Humility is not self-contempt but the truth about ourselves coupled with a reverence for others; it is self-surrender to the highest goal.” Venerable Bishop Sheen
Self mastery
“Home life is the God-appointed training ground of human character, for from the home life of the child springs the maturity of manhood, either for good or for evil.” Venerable Bishop Sheen
Forming character in your kids
God’s paternal love
“The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.” Charles Dickens
God’s paternal love is unconditional and relentless…open the door of your heart and let Him love you!