“But no matter how high in the clouds this arrow of pride may fly, and no matter how exuberant one may feel while being carried up so high, let us remember that the lightest of these arrows still has a heavy iron head. High as it may fly, therefore, it inevitably has to come down and hit the ground. And sometimes it lands in a not very clean place.” St. Thomas More
Giving God the Glory?
Watch and pray
“Don’t think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.” Malayan proverb
Watch and pray
Happy Father’s Day to dads and Catholic Priests!
Homily for Corpus Christi
“I don’t think I’ve ever been an agnostic. I’ve always thought there’s a superior power, that this is not the real world and that there’s a world to come.” – Bob Dylan
It doesn’t end here!
Better knowledge
“Sometimes it’s not enough to know what things mean, sometimes you have to know what things don’t mean.” – Bob Dylan