You will not be overcome!
“He did not say: You will not be troubled- You will not be tempted- You will not be distressed. But He said: You will not be overcome.” St. Julian of Norwich
His grace will always be enough!
Proper pacing
Proper pacing…in running and in life!
What can you do for God and others?
“If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.” Emily Dickinson
What can you do for God and others?
Allow God to chisel!
“Don’t wince under the hammer that strikes you. Have an eye to the chisel that cuts you and to the hand that shapes you. The skillful and loving Architect may wish to make of you the chief stones of his eternal edifice and the fairest statues in his kingdom. Then let him do it. He loves you. He knows what he is doing. He had had experience. All his blows are skillful and straight and loving. He never misses, unless you cause him by your impatience.” St. Louis de Montfort
Allow God to chisel!
Guardian Angels
“When tempted, invoke your angel. He is more eager to help you than you are to be helped! Ignore the devil and do not be afraid of him: he trembles and flees at sight of your Guardian Angel.” St. John Bosco