“It is…to the oldest that we must look with respect (“honor”!); to them families owe their existence, education, and maintenance, which have often been paid for with hard work and much suffering. They cannot be treated as if they were now useless. Even if they lack the strength to be able to carry out the simplest actions, they have, however, experience of life and the wisdom that the young often lack…” (St. Pope John Paul II, Dec. 31, 1978)
I had a very special relationship with my Grandmother. She attended daily Mass, weekly Confession, and prayed the daily rosary. There was a gentle glow in her countenance and her peace was contagious. When my oldest brother announced his engagement to his now wife of over 30 years, Granny looked at me with a smile and said, “You will never make this announcement, Michael, you are called to be a priest!” These words and her personal holiness had a huge impact on my decision…thanks Granny!!