“I think the world today is upside down. Everybody seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater development and greater riches and so on. There is much suffering because there is so very little love in homes and in family life. We have no time for our children, we have no time for each other; there is no time to enjoy each other. In the home begins the disruption of the peace of the world.” (St. Mother Teresa)
A mother of a large family of kids once told me, “Fr. Michael, what I most like about my husband is that when he steps in the door, he leaves his work behind and he turns on his best self. His smile and positive attitude rub off on all of us, and he engages with the kids both during and after dinner. This is so helpful to me and I am so appreciative because I know it’s not easy after a long day at work.” I know this particular husband very well, and I have no doubt that his strong prayer and Sacramental life is what drives him to be so generous. And you can see the effect in his happy wife and in his happy kids!