“No matter how just your words may be, you ruin everything when you speak with anger.” St. John Chrysostom

Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
“No matter how just your words may be, you ruin everything when you speak with anger.” St. John Chrysostom
“Do not forget that the value and interest of life is not so much to do conspicuous things …as to do ordinary things with the perception of their enormous value.”- Teilhard de Chardin
“Little temptations to anger, suspicion, jealousy, envy, flirtation, vanity, frivolity, duplicity, affectation, deceit, unchaste thoughts – these are the trials which even the most devout and resolute person must constantly face.” St. Francis de Sales
The grace of going to regular Confession “has a remedial power and helps to remove the very roots of sin.” St. John Paul II
“I measure every Grief I meet
With narrow, probing, eyes –
I wonder if It weighs like Mine –
Or has an Easier size.” Emily Dickinson
“I do not promise you happiness in this world, but in the next.” —Our Lady of Lourdes
“Earth is crammed with Heaven.” Emily Dickenson
When we are truly in sync with God’s will and are living with a deep love for Christ in all things, then we can experience the joy and peace of heaven on earth.
“The observations of a parent given gently and affectionately have much more power to correct a child than those which are given angrily and wrathfully.” St. Francis de Sales
“Let the world turn upside down, let everything be in darkness, in smoke, in uproar – God is with us.” St. Francis de Sales
“Lift your heart up gently whenever it falls. Humble yourself before God, but do not be astonished by your fall since it is not surprising that weakness is weak, frailty is frail and misery is miserable!” St. Francis de Sales
“I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings