Inspirational thoughts
The Why?
“My father told me once that the most important thing every man should know is what he would die for.” (Tana French, Faithful Place)
My annual 8 day silent retreat!
Taking a break

Tomorrow evening, I will begin my annual 8 day silent retreat at Our Lady of Bethesda, followed by 2 weeks of vacation with my brother priests. My service will resume when I return to DC on August 14th. I am looking forward to this special time of prayer with my best friend, Jesus Christ, and some time to physically recharge the batteries with my brother priests on vacation. Have a blessed summer ahead!
Loving more
“I hold it true, whate’er befall;
I feel it when I sorrow most;
‘Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.” Alfred Lord Tennyson
Excess drinking

“That kind of friendship doesn’t just materialize at the end of the rainbow one morning in a soft-focus Hollywood haze. For it to last this long, and at such close quarters, some serious work had gone into it. Ask any ice-skater or ballet dancer or show jumper, anyone who lives by beautiful moving things: nothing takes as much work as effortlessness.”
— Tana French
The past
“There is no going back in life, no return, no second chance. I cannot call back the spoken word or the accomplished deed.” (My Cousin Rachel, 1951)
Climbing mountains
“Climb mountains, not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.”
— David McCoullough Jr.
Positive attitude
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Winston Churchill