“It is not violence that best overcomes hate — nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury.” Charlotte Bronte
Father Michael Blog
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Pray more!
“Prayer can truly change your life. For it turns your attention away from yourself and directs your mind and your heart toward the Lord. If we look only at ourselves, with our own limitations and sins, we quickly give way to sadness and discouragement. But if we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, then our hearts are filled with hope, our minds are washed in the light of truth, and we come to know the fullness of the Gospel with all is promise and life.” St. John Paul II
Pray more often!
Finding happiness?
“Often we pass beside happiness without seeing it, without looking at it, or even if we have seen and looked at it, without recognizing it.” Alexandre Dumas
Be yourself!
“Be yourself. No one can say you’re doing it wrong.” Charles Schulz
“There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.” Jane Austen
Open heart
“The worst prison would be a closed heart.” ~ St. John Paul II
“It is very difficult for the prosperous to be humble.”Jane Austen
All in?
“To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.” Steve Prefontaine