“I can’t imagine how anyone can say: ‘I’m weak’, and then remain so. After all, if you know it, why not fight against it, why not try to train your character?” Anne Frank

Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
“I can’t imagine how anyone can say: ‘I’m weak’, and then remain so. After all, if you know it, why not fight against it, why not try to train your character?” Anne Frank
“You have read very good books, I am sure; there is an excellent book however, that never grows old; it is the one that God has written on every plant, on every grain of sand, in yourself; it is the book of Divine love. Give, therefore, your preference to that beautiful book and add to it a few pages of admiration and gratefulness. Read and understand all other books in the light of this one…” – St. Peter Julian Eymard
“Givers have to set limits because takers rarely do” – Irma Kurtz
In general, it is always a good thing to give of yourself to others…but some can take excessive advantage of you and you need to establish boundaries…
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” – Plato
“Charity is only as warm as those who administer it.” Dorothy Day
“Life itself is a haphazard, untidy, messy affair.” Dorothy Day
Count your blessings, and don’t allow the daily crosses to bring you down…embrace them as golden opportunities from God to grow!
“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” ―William Wordsworth
A spoken word from the heart penetrates so deeply and so beautifully…tell your spouse and your children how much you love them, sincerely and often!