“For man cannot attain that true happiness for which he yearns with all the strength of his spirit, unless he keeps the laws which the Most High God has engraved in his very nature.” Pope Saint Paul VI
If it feels good…
Is Christ your best friend?
Facing your fears head on?
“Fear paralyzes in many ways, but especially if it keeps you from responding wisely and intelligently to challenges. The only way to overcome your fears is to face them head-on.”
Facing your fears?
The cross..
“There is nothing more pleasing to God, than to see a soul who patiently and serenely bears whatever crosses it is sent; this is how love is made, by putting lover and loved one on the same level. . .” St. Alphonsus Ligouri
Suffering with a smile?
Never give up!
“KEEP IN MIND THAT progress is not always linear. It takes constant course correcting and often a lot of zigzagging. Unfortunate things happen, accidents occur, and setbacks are usually painful, but that does not mean we quit.”
― No Dream Is Too High: Life Lessons From a Man Who Walked on the Moon