Fight negativity
Created by God
“One of the chief uses of religion is that it makes us remember our coming from darkness, the simple fact that we are created.” GK Chesterton
Created by God
Fading out or fighting on?
“Never put an age limit on your dreams.” – Dara Torres, American swimmer and 12-time Olympic medalist
Fading out or fighting on?
Loving God
“Love God, serve God; everything is in that.” St. Clare of Assisi
Loving God
Protect your peace!
“Joy is one of the best safeguards against temptation. The devil is a carrier of dust and dirt; he uses every chance to throw what he has at us. A joyful heart knows how to protect herself from such dirt. Jesus can take full possession of our soul only if it surrenders itself joyfully.” –St. Teresa of Calcutta