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God bless you!
InspireYouVideo: God bless you!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
God whispers
“Too busy, hectic, whirlwind, way too fast”?
Is this your response when your help is asked?
Do we consider this being “harassed”?
This lack of true “balance” is unsurpassed,
Causing a spiritual lymphoblast!
The world’s need for love has become more vast.
Modern expectations must be recast,
Jesus’ life is such a stark contrast!
Time for God and others must not come last!
Too busy?
“Too busy, hectic, whirlwind, way too fast”?
Is this your response when your help is asked?
Do we consider this being “harassed”?
This lack of true “balance” is unsurpassed,
Causing a spiritual lymphoblast!
The world’s need for love has become more vast.
Modern expectations must be recast,
Jesus’ life is such a stark contrast!
Time for God and others must not come last!
The Christian Ideal
Is it really that big of a deal?
Taking out garbage without a peal,
Preparing a top class home-cooked meal,
Fighting feelings to stay even-keel,
Not treating others like a fifth wheel,
Patching up wounds and trying to heal,
Kindness, good manners…being genteel,
These acts soften your heart to congeal,
Of course you must often pray and kneel,
Begging for grace with heart felt appeal,
This is love and the Christian Ideal!
God is love, love is real!
Love is not platonic, it’s something real:
It’s “heart to heart”…not a cold “business” deal.
It doesn’t “shock” like an electric eel,
Nor will it attack an achilles’ heel,
It humbly serves, in spite of how you feel,
It strives to patch up wounds and gently heal.
True “selflessness” is love, not an ordeal,
It doesn’t count the cost or try to repeal,
It takes the time to cook a home made meal,
Chicken cacciatore, a cut of veal…
The point of departure is when you kneel,
Here you can listen to Jesus’ appeal,
“Let me work through you, let my love reveal…
How much I care for souls, MY love is real!!”
These little sheep look up to you
Moms and dads are given a flock,
Looks and genes stem from the same stock,
Kids will read your thoughts…so sublime!
Habits are absorbed over time,
They observe you around the clock.
It’s not enough to just “provide,”
Discipline, love…must be applied,
The Sacraments and daily prayers
Will show Christ as their friend, who cares,
His life will serve as their sure guide.
These little sheep look up to you,
In a few years, they’ll say adieu,
They’ll walk the path which you have lead…
Prepare them for battles ahead!
Be authentic, PLEASE be true blue!