InspireYouVideo: Feelings…reactions
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
InspireYouVideo: Feelings…reactions
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
My latest LifeZette Article: Character counts!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Thy Kingdom Come!
Dear Friends, in Christ,
“When I see that the burden is beyond my strength, I do not consider or analyze it or probe into it, but I run like a child to the Heart of Jesus and say only one word to Him: “You can do all things.” And then I keep silent, because I know that Jesus Himself will intervene in the matter, and as for me, instead of tormenting myself, I use that time to love Him.” St. Faustina
When the burden is too heavy, go to Jesus…don’t go it alone, he really wants to help you!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
InspireYouVideo: Staying fit for God
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Nothing happens without God’s permission,
His perfect plan takes time to fruition.
Trust in his love, wisdom…crush suspicion!
Lean into Faith…not just intuition,
Freedom, providence…juxtaposition!
Humility is the key condition,
To live out Jesus’ plan…HIS volition!
What is your internal disposition?
Thy Kingdom Come!
Dear Friends, in Christ,
“Listen and attend with the ear of your heart” -St. Benedict
Truly listening from the heart…not waiting for the other to finish so you can get in your point, not simply tolerating, but listening with love and heart-felt attention. This is how Jesus wants us to love!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
InspireYouVideo: Trying first to understand
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Thy Kingdom Come!
Dear Friends, in Christ,
“In difficult moments I will fix my gaze upon the silent heart of Jesus, stretched upon the cross, and from the exploding flames of His merciful Heart, will flow down upon me power and strength to keep fighting.” St. Faustina
A mom with two little kids told me, “Fr. Michael, when it gets really tough and I find my patience wearing thin, I go to my bedroom, I lean in front of the crucifix on my wall, and beg Jesus to help me…it works every time!”
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
InspireYouVideo: Common courtesy
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
InspireYouVideo: All for God
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC