InspireYouVideo: We need God’s help!
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
“Joy is a net of love by which we catch souls.” St. Mother Teresa
Joy is the fruit of a grateful, prayerful, humble, and selfless heart. There is nothing more effective for evangelization!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
My sister Deb is incredible, all-around!
She keeps a low profile, not looking for renown,
Persevering in pain, and never breaking down.
Her spiritual depth and wisdom are profound!
She somehow turns broken plays into big touchdowns.
Her smile, her joy, her contagious laughter…abound!
Her goodness, sensitivity and warmth…astound!
Happy birthday…no better sister could be found!!!
“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
The most direct route to Florida from Michigan would be 1-75 south. Parents of millenials, if your child decided to go West to South Dakota, and leave the Catholic Faith, try to accompany them with your love and prayers…and eventually, with the help of God’s grace, they will gradually meander back to optimal path. A lot of prayer and patient endurance is needed!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Thy Kingdom Come!
Dear Friends, in Christ,
“Holiness is found in a path opened to us in our daily lives, the duties of our daily lives are offered to us with unequal attractiveness.” St. Francis de Sales
Most days for most people are fairly ordinary. Live the ordinary with extraordinary love…forget about yourself and try to make others around you happy! Christ wants to touch them and inspire them through you!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
“Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.” J.R.R. Tolkien
I still remember one of our priests washing all of our cars one day…he never mentioned it to anyone and I happen to notice just as we was finishing mine.
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC