“We are exceptionally good at seeing the faults in others and exceptionally adept at ignoring the faults in ourselves.” Bishop Robert Barron
Fault finding?
Christ at the center?
Keep Christ at the center!
Suffering can make you stronger!
Fan your gifts into a flame!
“Never do the work carelessly because you wish to hide your gifts. Remember, that work is his. You are his co-worker. Therefore, he depends on you for that special work. Do the work with him, and the work will be done for him. The talents God has given you are not yours – they have been given to you for your use, for the glory of God. There can be no half-measures in the work.” St. Teresa of Calcutta
Fan your gifts into a flame!
Pray always
“We must pray without ceasing, in every occurrence and employment of our lives – that prayer which is rather a habit of lifting up the heart to God as in a constant communication with Him.” St. Elizabeth Ann Seton