He shaped us all from clay.
Hidden in Church, he stays,
Protecting us from fray,
Holding passions at bay,
His grace is free…no pay.
He’s truth, he’s life, the way,
Not fifty shades of grey!
For us, on Christmas day,
In a stable he lay,
On piled straws of hay…
To Christ the King we pray!
Grow your Kingdom today!!
In life’s dark tunnels, where struggles abound,
When sensitives souls are kicked around,
When a “sincere” friend cannot be found,
When anxieties make sore brains pound,
When bean balls connect from pitcher’s mound,…
Listen to gratitude’s voice resound!!
The gift of life, with sight, smell and taste,
The Infused virtues: love, hope, and faith,
A merciful God…who doesn’t lambaste,
Confession…through which sins are erased,
Mary…pray to her, look at her face!
Christ…who deeply yearns for your embrace!!!
Preparing for Lent
With Lent around the corner, here’s some food for thought,
Christ left the noise of the world; prayer is what he sought,
We must find our “desert” or fly to Montserrat!
Time for prayer, time for God…should fill our Lenten slot.
Too many hit the range, few work on their chip shots,
Go to wear it hurts more, toughen up the soft spots.
Hugging a prickly person, kindness must be wrought!
“No roses without thorns,” true peace cannot be bought!
Flee to Mary often, let her untie your knots,
Sweeten Lent with love, this is what Christ lived and taught.
God’s Whispers
God whispers, he does not shout,
Grace flows from an open spout,
Our closed hearts create the drought,
Busy lives obstruct the route,
Our sin causes the “black-out.”
Ignore Satan’s rants and touts,
Mary gives you added clout,
God’s love is there, beyond doubt!
Let Christ fix you, when you pout,
Let Him in…virtues will sprout!!
Going Too Fast?
“Too busy, hectic, whirlwind, way too fast”?
Is this your response when your help is asked?
Do we consider this being “harassed”?
This lack of true “balance” is unsurpassed,
Causing a spiritual lymphoblast!
The world’s need for love has become more vast.
Modern expectations must be recast,
Jesus’ life is such a stark contrast!
Time for God and others must not come last!
On Effort
Is it really that big of a deal?
Taking out garbage without a peal,
Preparing a top class home-cooked meal,
Fighting feelings to stay even-keel,
Not treating others like a fifth wheel,
Patching up wounds and trying to heal,
Kindness, good manners…being genteel,
These acts soften your heart to congeal,
Of course you must often pray and kneel,
Begging for grace with heart felt appeal,
This is love and the Christian Ideal!
Choose Life
It all began with a choice for life…
Knowing this would add serious strife.
Nine months hidden in your gentle womb,
Hidden pain, waiting for me to bloom.
Those early years nestled in the crib…
Sauce and crumbs, imbedded in my bib.
When my temper showed it’s ugly face,
Your soft arms were ready to embrace.
High school was a turbulent phase…
Yet, I stayed calm with your loving gaze.
When God’s call pierced my heart and my soul,
You were there to inspire and console.
Fourteen years to ordination day…
I survived because you stopped to pray.
Mothers of priests are special indeed,
Their deep holiness should be decreed!
Mom, your focus on Christ lifts me high,
Even now, from my abode in Rye.
Words cannot express my gratitude,
For your truly selfless attitude.
I love you mom, happy Mother’s Day!
A Change in Attitude
It’s so easy to complain,
Over daily aches and pains.
To start whispering campaigns,
When feeling other’s disdain.
Why allow this huge brain drain?
Walk with Christ…sing in the rain!
We have Jesus as our friend!
He can heal us and mend,
He’ll be faithful to the end!
On his love for us…depend!
No more empty platitudes,
God gives us all latitude,
To change our gloomy attitude:
Focus more on gratitude!
God’s Work of Art
God’s work of art, yet not quite done,
Eighty eight years, without much fun.
His brush painted out a tough course,
That your free will FULLY endorsed.
Like a pearl refined in the sea..
Like the sparkling caves in Capri,
Your soul rings out with “bel esprit,”
A melodious potpourri!
As another birthday draws near,
And you approach a new frontier,
I beg you, mom, to persevere,
To reach…the celestial sphere!
God’s work of art, yet not quite done,
Boy, am I proud to be your son!!
Sheperds of Souls
Moms and dads are given a flock,
Looks and genes stem from the same stock,
Kids will read your thoughts…so sublime!
Habits are absorbed over time,
They observe you around the clock.
It’s not enough to just “provide,”
Discipline, love…must be applied,
The Sacraments and daily prayers
Will show Christ as their friend, who cares,
His life will serve as their sure guide.
These little sheep look up to you,
In a few years, they’ll say adieu,
They’ll walk the path which you have lead…
Prepare them for battles ahead!
Be authentic, PLEASE be true blue!