Mother’s mystical mind,
Remarkably refined,
Amazingly aligned,
Delightfully designed,
Usually unfeigned,
Quagmires? Quarantined!!
“Situations”? Streamlined!!
Simply…one of a kind!!!
Christ Walks With You
The empty tomb, the sacred shroud,
The risen Christ was seen by crowds…
These FACTS, the apostles avowed
To boldly proclamate aloud.
Do you believe Christ walks with you,
To guide you through life’s deep fescue?
You know His preferred rendezvous:
The Eucharist! And there’s no queue!
Hang out with HIM…it’s overdue!
Allow God to Meet Your Needs
Humans have so many needs!
Too many are “in the weeds”,
Plowing through at such high speeds,
High anxiety proceeds…
“Please come to me!”- Jesus pleads!
Trust totally…openly,
Pray piously…quietly,
Give graciously…spaciously,
God meets needs…tenaciously!
Alive today? What a grace!
Lucid eyes to see this place,
Healthy legs to keep the pace,
Active minds to read God’s trace,
Tomorrow…the gift of taste!
Best of all, our Catholic Faith,
To persevere, win the race!!
The Glory of God
Poets producing…prophetic pearls,
Writers weaving…wisdom’s wonderful whirls,
Speakers speaking…sound, salutary sage,
Singers singing…soft symphonies (on) stage.
Workers working…wearily winning wage.
Human haughtiness? God’s greater glory?
On Judgement day, what will be your story?
Christ as Your Caddy
With Christ as your caddie…your attaché:
You’ll hit em straight…keep it in the fairway,
Lower your handicap…in medal play.
Spiritual “pars, birdies”…on display!
Allow Jesus to mold and shape the clay,
Wisdom and strength…inundate those who pray,
Jolting your soul…more than cafe au lait!
Please don’t wait for tomorrow, start today!!
Trust In God
Darkness, doubt, despair…pain?
Devil’s deception…feign?
Watching, wondering…strain?
Working, worrying…migraine?
Live in the moment…now!
Be faithful to your vows!
Don’t ask God why? But how?
Whatever He allows!
Embrace His plan…kowtow!
Blind spots