Seeing Christ in the poor
“Dear friends, if you learn to discover Jesus in the Eucharist, you will also know how to discover Him in your brothers and sisters, particularly the very poor.” St. John Paul II
It is so much easier to see the face of Jesus in the poor after spending time with him in the Blessed Sacrament!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Learning to say “I’m sorry”
All you need is love…
“Today Christ is asking each of you the same question: do you love Me? He is not asking you whether you know how to speak to crowds, whether you can direct an organization or manage an estate. He is asking you to love Him. All the rest will ensue.” St. John Paul II
Jesus asked Peter 3 times, “Do you love me?” before re-affirming his mission as our first pope. He did not ask if he was a good administrator, if he spoke multiple languages, if he had a plethora of human qualities…Jesus, first and foremost, needs our love and he will do the rest!
God bless,
Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Capable of compromise?
Inner freedom
July 4th
Family Dinners
Family dinners are a special time,
Golden moments to listen and opine.
Mom whips up her best stuff, it tastes so fine!
Parents can take the pulse, in ways sublime.
This demands great effort to make it work,
Putting up with siblings may cause some irks.
A moment to unwind, relax, and smirk…
A “tight knit bond” is one of many perks.
Kids may complain but they yearn for this meal.
Mom and dad’s presence prove their love is real.
Special prayers are said, wounds can often heal.
Please make it work, strive for this ideal.!!
The meaning of life
Strong winds and waves batter our souls from life’s storms.
Time chisels away at our bodily form.
Science tries to slow down this aging process,
But it can create even more of a mess!
This purging will cause the proud to weep and mourn.
Hope in this world alone makes you forlorn.
Profound peace comes from authentic selflessness.
The meek and humble of heart are truly blest!
Our true homeland awaits in heaven, not here.
Conform your life to Christ, serve others, don’t fear!
This eternal encounter with God is near!
Know thyself, Accept others
Temperaments matter, for we are not all the same,
Knowing the differences will prevent undue pain.
Each has its strengths and weaknesses that need to be tamed.
The cholerics are fiery, passionate and bright,
They love to the lead the charge and they are “always right.”
Pride is their vice and humility will be their fight.
The sanguines are bubbly, vain and quite eager to please,
They relate well with others, and converse with great ease.
But they are not driven and will be happy with c’s.
Melancholics are moody, they reflect deeply on life,
Sensitivity is their cross, which causes great strife.
Complicating relations for a husband or wife.
Phlegmatics are perfectionists and slow at their task,
It may take them longer, but they construct things to last.
Patience is needed in a culture where life is fast!
God made us all “perfect” in our own special way,
Although we still need to hold our passions at bay.
Accepting others will not work unless we pray!