“Let us now return to those who wish to travel on this road, and will not halt until they reach their goal, which is the place where they can drink of this water of life. As I say, it is most important – all important, indeed – that they should begin well by making an earnest and most determined resolve not to halt until they reach their goal, whatever may come, whatever may happen to them, however hard they may have to labor, whoever may complain of them, whether they reach their goal or die on the road or have no heart to confront the trials which they meet, whether the very world dissolves before them.” St. Teresa of Avila
As a Catholic priest and marathon runner, I see so many parallels between the race of our daily living of virtue and running a 26.2 mile race hard…one can help the other!
Go to Jesus in the Eucharist
Getting back up…
“Fall seven times. Stand up eight.”
Japanese Proverb
No matter how hard or how far the fall, the grace of the Sacrament of Confession will always be enough to get you back on your feet and on the pathway of God’s will once again!
Praying to St. Anthony
Servant leader
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” – Harry Truman
Offering it up!
Small things done with great love
“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love” St.Mother Teresa
“Talk” about your Faith
Bending…to the verge of breaking!
Bending…to the verge of breaking,
Accomodating…with aching,
Blessedness…truly breathtaking!
Surrender to Jesus!
“In other words, fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature who needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms.” G.K. Chesterton
Put up the white flag and surrender to Christ…allow him to gradually transform you from within!God bless,Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
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