“It is useless to meet revenge with revenge; it will heal nothing.” J.R.R. Tolkein

Caution in purity…
“Humility is the safeguard of chastity. In the matter of purity, there is no greater danger than not fearing the danger. For my part, when I find a man secure of himself and without fear, I give him up for lost. I am less alarmed for one who is tempted and who resists by avoiding the occasions, than for one who is not tempted and is not careful to avoid occasions. When a person puts himself in an occasion, saying, I shall not fall, it is an almost infallible sign that he will fall, and with great injury to his soul.”
— Saint Philip Neri

Trust in God
“You must have boundless faith in the divine goodness, for the victory is absolutely certain.” St. Padre Pio

God’s goodness
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone…
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
Neale Donald Walsh

God’s little challenges
Too busy to pray?
“Today’s society does not pray. That is why it is falling apart.” St. Padre Pio