Kindness is key
“Kindness is my only guiding star, in its light, I sail a straight route, I have my motto written on my sail: ‘To live in love.’” St. Therese of Lisieux
Kindness, kindness, kindness..
“The truth is, of course, that what one regards as interruptions are precisely one’s life.” – C. S. Lewis
Dealing with interruptions
“The world is thy ship, not thy home.”
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
The world is thy ship, not thy home
Two points of view
“What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are.” – C. S. Lewis
Understanding, respecting and loving others
God’s word..
“The Holy Scriptures were not given to us that we should enclose them in books, but that we should engrave them upon our hearts.” St. John Chrysostom