“I fear nothing, for God is with me.” St. Joan of Arc
Trust in God
Prayer time
Abba Anthony said: “Whoever sits in solitude and is quiet has escaped from three wars: those of hearing, speaking, and seeing. Then there is only one war left in which to fight, and that is the battle for your own heart”

Hanging out with Jesus
Tips for Dads
Frequent Confession
“Go to your confessor; open your heart to him; display to him all the recesses of your soul; take the advice that he will give you with the utmost humility and simplicity. For God, Who has an infinite love for obedience, frequently renders profitable the counsels we take from others, but especially from those who are the guides of our souls.”
– St. Francis de Sales

Immaculate Heart of Mary
Jesus loves YOU!
“We are such value to God that he came to live among us … and to guide us home. He will go to any length to seek us, even to being lifted high upon the cross to draw us back to himself. We can only respond by loving God for his love. “
St. Catherine of Sienna

Jesus loves YOU!
God’s glory
“I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of God.”
– Saint Dominic Savio