“The problem with a little sin is that it usually grows into a big one.” Amish Proverb
The graces received in Confession help weaken the tendency towards sin, refine the conscience and strengthen the will to keep up the good fight…and prevent one from “breaking bad”.
Breaking bad?
Radio Maria with Chris Ullman
Please listen to my interview from tonight’s “Vigilant Heart” show featuring Chris Ullman, 4 time International Whistling champion, and Fr. Peter Hopkins, LC, Program Director at Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm6u0Y3YBSM&feature=youtu.be
God bless you,Fr. Michael Sliney, LC
Forming kids
“Bend the branch while it is young.” Amish proverb
When I was in 2nd grade, my dad bought a small Birch tree that was badly bent. I helped him tie a rope to it and attach it to a stake in the ground. Each year, he would move the stake to make it bend a little more and eventually, it became a straight tree…a symbol of what he did with me in my childhood formation days!
Forming character in our kids
Taking a break
“From the death of each day’s hope another hope sprung up to live tomorrow.” Charles Dickens
Prayer is oxygen of the soul
Kindness at home
“Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.” St. Teresa of Avila
Let’s take advantage of this home-bound and summer period to crush our self-absorption and truly focus on creative acts of kindness with those whom we live!