Peace begins with a smile
“Peace begins with a smile…” St. Mother Teresa

Smile more often!
God’s loving plan
“We have only to believe. And the more threatening and irreducible reality appears, the more firmly and desperately we must believe. Then, little by little, we shall see the universal horror unbend, and then smile upon us, and then take us in its more than human arms.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

God’s plan for you
Judging others?
“Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times and under all circumstances.” St. Vincent de Paul

How would you like others to judge you?
Homily for the 5th week of Lent
“The many troubles in your household will tend to your edification, if you strive to bear them all in gentleness, patience, and kindness. Keep this ever before you, and remember constantly that God’s loving eyes are upon you amid all these little worries and vexations, watching whether you take them as He would desire. Offer up all such occasions to Him, and if sometimes you are put out, and give way to impatience, do not be discouraged, but make haste to regain your lost composure.” St. Francis de Sales