Sounds of silence
“Settle yourself in solitude, and you will come upon God in yourself.” St. Teresa of Avila
Marathon training
“A marathoner is a marathoner regardless of time. Virtually everyone who tries the marathon has put in training over months, and it is that exercise and that commitment, physical and mental, that gives meaning to the medal, not just the day’s effort, be it fast or slow. It’s all in conquering the challenge.”
-Mary R. Wittenberg, former president, New York Road Runners
Spiritual training
public opinion
― Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
Putting yourself/other “in a box”?
Getting it done
“There is one thing, Emma, which a man can always do if he chooses, and that is his duty; not by manoeuvring and finessing, but by vigour and resolution. – Mr. Knightley”
― Emma by Jane Austen
Getting it done…with love!
“A man, after he has brushed off the dust and chips of his life, will have left only the hard, clean questions: Was it good or was it evil? Have I done well — or ill?” — East of Eden by John Steinbeck