Moms matter
“Culture derives from woman- for had she not taught her children to talk, the great spiritual values of the world would not have passed from generation to generation. After nourishing the substance of the body to which she gave birth, she then nourishes the child with he substance of her mind. As guardian of the values of the spirit, as protectress of the morality of the young, she preserves culture, which deals with purposes and ends, while man upholds civilization, which deals only with means.” Venerable Fulton J. Sheen
Moms matter
Inner beauty
“The splendor or a soul in grace is so seductive that it surpasses the beauty of all created things.” St. Thomas Aquinas
Inner beauty
“Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence or learning.” Fr. Faber
They’ll know we are Christians by our love!
Happy Easter! (I will be back on Thursday, April 13th)
The empty tomb
We progress by means of trial.
No-one knows himself except through trial,
or receives a crown,
except after victory,
or strives,
except against an enemy or temptations.”